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Continuing his provincial sensitisation and intake clinics, the Ombudsman of the republic of Sierra Leone, Leon Jenkins-Johnston Esq and team, have completed his meetings with stakeholders in the Koinadugu district, were he met with various stakeholders to solicit their support for his office.

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He met with the Deputy Director of Education and staff of the Teaching Service Commission, the  two Paramount chiefs, the District Officer, the Local Unit Commander and Officers of the Kabala Police Division, the Regional Commander of the Sierra Leone Correctional Services and officers of the Kabala Correctional Services and the Commander, Officers and men of the RSLAF and held a meeting at the Kabala Government Hospital, were staff of the hospital raised several issues ranging from non-issuance of pin codes to promotion of staff and the non-payment of remote allowances.

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Ombudsman Leon Jenkins-Johnston Esq, thanked the staff of the hospital for their dedication to work despite Working under such difficult circumstances and assured the hospital staff that he will follow the issues highlighted with the relevant authorities.

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The team of investigators stationed at the District Officers conference hall, received about 10 complaints.

On the same drive led by the Director of Complaints, Mediation and Investigations, Andrew Johnson, the team in Moyamba met with the Chiefdom Speaker and the Section chief and held a radio discussion program.

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The team held meetings with the military, Correctional Services, Deputy Director of Education, Teaching Service Commission and the entire health unit.

The team held its intake clinic wherein they received 12 complaints.

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The team in Moyamba were able to look into, and solved 5 complaints, which included an old man who had worked for 12 years and was terminated without benefit. The team engaged his former employer, who agreed to pay his benefit through a payment plan. The team also solved an issue involving three teachers who were wrongly terminated by their head teachers.

Christopher Wallace-Johnson

Communications Officer

Office of the Ombudsman